The Huguenot Society of FL, Inc.
State Officers and Chairpersons 2023 - 2025
President: Judith (Judi) J. Adams - (Fort Caroline Chapter)
Vice President: Peggy A. Stottmann - (Jean Calvin Chapter)
Recording Secretary: Catherine Paunov - (Admiral Gaspard De Coligny Chapter)
Corresponding Secretary: Judi Adams - (Fort Caroline Chapter)
Treasurer: J. Courtney Osborne - (Fort Caroline Chapter)
Registrar: Jana-Lee Bair - (Jean Calvin Chapter)
Chaplain: Margaret (Peggy) D. Christy - (Admiral Gaspard De Coligny Chapter)
Counselor: Mary Nelson Morgan - (Fort Caroline Chapter)
Historian/Librarian: Katherine "Penny" Sapp - (Jean Calvin Chapter)
Parliamentarian: Linda L. Smith - (Jean Calvin Chapter)
Scholarship: Sherry A. Saucerman - (Fort Caroline Chapter)
Website: Jo Lee Potts & Judi Adams - (Jean Calvin Chapter)
Past President: Edward J. Neugaard (Admiral Gaspard De Coligny Chapter)
Past President: Linda L. Smith (Jean Calvin Chapter)
Past President: Jo Lee Potts (Jean Calvin Chapter)